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Thank you for visiting my site.
I am currently taking a hiatus as I get clearer on my role as a practitioner...if I even have one.
These days, so many are searching for answers as more and more suffer. Let's face it, it's not an easy time to be here on earth. But, it's a very special time, indeed. More and more of us are seeing that the answers are not outside of ourselves. This includes our own healing. Just as my site name evokes, the healing comes from within, yet ultimately it is from Source, God, Nature, the Universe. It isn't me, nor you who does the healing. It is through our connection with Source that we are filled up with the universal current of Love that pervades and purifies all. I find that trying to sort it all out and find answers is blocking Nature from doing its job. I want to hold the space and support others on their journey, but I am currently waiting for more clarity around what this looks like.
May you find guidance from within to what is in your highest alignment with Source. Just know that whatever is going on, you are ok. Nothing is wrong. You can get through it. Don't push it away. It will shift.
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